The secret to great customer service in the hotel industry
Communication between hotel employees and customers is one of the most important aspects of a great hospitality experience. To ensure your staff can...
Discover the ELSA Speak Technology and the importance of English communication training in various industries
Communication between hotel employees and customers is one of the most important aspects of a great hospitality experience. To ensure your staff can...
How can HR managers recruit, train, and retain flight crews and attendants in the shortest amount of time at a reasonable price? ELSA Speak can help...
In aviation, good communication is essential to interact with and solve problems for customers. So that is why, this weekend our Edtech Note...
What an 11-star experience is and what Airbnb has done to develop and make it successful and why this is important to the aviation industry.
Even though commercial flights have existed for over a century, they aren't always without hiccups. Clear communication is crucial to solve safety...
Learn more about continuous professional development (CPD) and why airlines should focus on English language skills as part of their training...
To allow your aviation staff expand efficiency, it is critical to invest in English language training that addresses staff demands.
Be the first to know about new Edtech trend and help your students speak English confidently with the tools and knowledge of today’s industry.